
CSR in India Steering Business toward Social Change

For too long CSR in India had been left to non-directional, haphazard do-gooding; 'Governance' - the process through which decisions are taken - of CSR through the law is expected to inject greater professionalism in the full range of CSR operations. This latest book by Kshama V Kaushik and the team at Thought Arbitrage, is a contribution to the effort to reduce some of the nebulousness that characterises CSR and bridge the gap in systemic formality between CSR and other disciplines. We expect the book to be a reference …

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Handbook for Independent Directors: Second Edition

Handbook for Independent Directors in its second edition explores and analyses various dimensions of the role of Independent Directors who are considered as the pivot of corporate governance. The sweeping changes brought about by the Companies Act, 2013, revised SEBI rules and other regulators along with high stakeholder expectations impose great responsibilities and pose new challenges for independent directors in their discharge of duties. Thought Arbitrage Research Institute presents an extensively researched handbook …

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Handbook for Independent Directors

Handbook for Independent Directors, a first-of-its-kind since the passage of the Companies Act, 2013, explores various aspects of the role of Independent Directors, large aspects of which have limited guidance so far. In an effort that seeks to explore the regulatory fine print of actions that guide the institution of Independent Directors in their discharge of duties, TARI in collaboration with Ernst & Young, presents this Handbook. For online purchase please visit…

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India Means Business – How the Elephant Earned its Stripes

Looking at the many facets of the Indian business culture, Indian Means Business traces the evolution of business in India from the pre-British Raj days to recent times. The Book was awarded third prize by DMA-NTPC Book Awards 2013 held on March 19th, 2014 for making an outstanding contribution towards understanding of Management Principles & Practices. It has also made an entry at Baker's Library, Harvard Business School in August 2014 !! Available at flipkart,,,, marymar…

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Corporate Governance – Myth to Reality

Corporate governance is the entire process by which corporations are managed, controlled within the system that necessitates the delivery of results. In an era where successful business are not built around the pursuit of profit making alone, the scope and significance of corporate governance assumes great importance. This book simplifies and studies in a lucid style the varying governance models of reputed companies such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Infosys, Cadburys, Nike, Xerox, just to name a few.…

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Corporate Governance – A book by Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA)

This book by IICA aims to establish familiarity with the concept of Corporate Governance while discussing the issues affecting business community and wider societal effects on corporate governance. It also aims at a learning, based on various case studies on corporate governance failures. Kshama V Kaushik has authored Module 5 on "Responsible Business". This module brings out the criticality of adopting Responsible business practices by a company and how it helps to enhance trust and maintain good reputation with customer…

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C R Datta on Company Law (Seventh Edition)

TARI contributed two chapters to the seventh edition of the book "C R Datta on Company Law" published by Lexis Nexis (2016). Chapter Nine and Chapter Ten by TARI discusses "Accounts of Company" and "Audit & Auditors" respectively. The book is available for purchase at…

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Corporate Governance in India: Change and Continuity

IICA’s Edited Volume on "Corporate Governance in India: Change and Continuity" published by Oxford University Press (OUP), provides an insight into advancing and improving corporate governance practices in India. It explores the evolution of corporate governance and addresses crucial aspects such as compensation for executives, gender diversity on Indian boards, ethical business, independent directors, audit committees, corporate governance in state-owned enterprises and corporate social responsibility. TARI contribute…

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Upcoming Book: The Audit Committee Handbook

TARI in partnership with PwC is in process of compiling The Audit Committee Handbook, a book which aims to provide key insights into the functioning of Audit Committee in companies. The Companies Act 2013 and the Revised Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement has significantly expanded the functions and responsibilities of Audit Committees. In view of the expanded scope, The Audit Committee Handbook will provide insights into the functioning as well as effective discharge of its functions, through detailed analysis of legal re…

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Corporate Whistleblowing: Are we there yet?

A crucial facet of corporate governance and in running of a clean corporate ship is the importance o

In a few decades, the relationship between the environment, resources and conflict may seem almost as obvious as the connection we see today between human rights, democracy and peace     

WangariMaathai (1940 – 2011), environmental activist, first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004