Core Belief

The mandate is to develop intellectual capital for the country in areas of corporate governance, sustainability, economics and public policy.

Research in these areas is usually funded by the government, bilateral agencies or foreign universities; there is very little privately funded research that puts forth an unbiased point of view.

TARI bridges this gap. The effort is to reduce business risk and the cost of capital and encourage decisions to be based on researched facts rather than opinions.

TARI intends to become an intellectual link between business and society so that:

  • Business can be more responsive to the needs of society and can add greater value
  • Society can create an environment in which business can thrive
  • Business and Society can transcend their pre-dispositions/concerns and come together to address critical human issues.


TARI aspires to narrow the intellectual divide between various economic forums, business forums and social forums so as to arrive at a ‘World Human Forum’: a well-researched holistic viewpoint on all critical issues that affect the human condition. 


Bridging the Gender Gap – Work, Wealth, Welfare and Well-being for Women

Thought Arbitrage Consulting (“TAC”) in collaboration with TalentNo

Governance and leadership are the yin and the yang of successful organisations.     

Mark Goyder