TARI is committed to raising the bar of corporate governance in India through evidence-based research and analysis. Over the years, we have carried out several studies for, and at times in partnership with, the government of India, bilateral and multilateral agencies, trade associations, academic institutions and businesses/consulting firms in the areas of corporate governance, ethics, policy and legal framework of governance and business responsibilities.
Some of our research papers have been presented and discussed in the Indian Parliament and even quoted by the government in answering questions by law makers in the Parliament and other stakeholders.
Our study on fraud and corruption in Indian business, Understanding the Demand & Supply Equations of Corruption and Fraud: An Insight into the Corruption & Fraud by the Private Sector in India, was released at the G20 Business Summit in June 2013 at St. Petersburg in Russia and George Kell, Executive Director of UNGC, mentioned about it at the World Economic Forum that followed.
We have partnered with Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) of the government of India to conceptualise and in setting up the framework of fraud prediction models for India.
Our reports, including commissioned research, have been used by some of the largest Indian and multinational companies, investment banks, brokerage houses, hedge funds and financial institutions.
We also advise Boards and principal owners on corporate governance and have developed criteria for governance assessment within overall business and risk framework.
Some of our published works are listed here with links for easy reference:
* State of Corporate Governance in India: Policies to Reality (for Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GOI).
Link: https://tari.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Corporate-Governance-From-Policies-to-Reality.pdf
*Understanding the Demand & Supply Equations of Corruption and Fraud: An Insight into the Corruption & Fraud by the Private Sector in India (for UNGC Network India).
*Taking Stock: Playing in the Indian Capital Market (for Grant Thornton). Link: https://tari.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Playing-in-the-Indian-Capital-Markets1.pdf
*Alliance for Integrity: Chiselling the Way Forward (theme paper in collaboration with GIZ). Link: https://tari.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/AFIN-Chiselling-The-Way-Forward.pdf
*Policies for Ethical Corporate Governance: Need and Relevance (background paper for UNGC India).
* Corporate Governance in India@2016: Where Do We Stand? (for FICCI which will be officially released soon).
TARI has to its credit two books which have been highly acclaimed by the academicians, the media and business leaders:
(Link: https://tari.co.in/?books=india-means-business-how-the-elephant-earned-its-stripes)
(Link: https://tari.co.in/?books=directors-handbook)
One more book, on the roles and responsibilities of Audit Committees (with PwC), is expected to be released by October 2016, by Lexis Nexis.
For your queries, write to us at: contactus@tari.co.in
Corruption need not be the grease that oils the wheels of progress
Dr. Manmohan Singh, Former Prime Minister of India