
Corporate Governance – A book by Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA)

This book by IICA aims to establish familiarity with the concept of Corporate Governance while discussing the issues affecting business community and wider societal effects on corporate governance. It also aims at a learning, based on various case studies on corporate governance failures.

Kshama V Kaushik has authored Module 5 on “Responsible Business”. This module brings out the criticality of adopting Responsible business practices by a company and how it helps to enhance trust and maintain good reputation with customers, employees and other stakeholders. To undertake responsible business practices an organisation will have to ensure that such practices are integrated within the business..




Bridging the Gender Gap – Work, Wealth, Welfare and Well-being for Women

Thought Arbitrage Consulting (“TAC”) in collaboration with TalentNo

There are many positive ways for business to make a difference in the lives of the poor - not through philanthropy but though initiatives that, over time, will help build new markets.     

Kofi Annan: World Economic Forum