
Handbook for Independent Directors: Second Edition

Handbook for Independent Directors in its second edition explores and analyses various dimensions of the role of Independent Directors who are considered as the pivot of corporate governance. The sweeping changes brought about by the Companies Act, 2013, revised SEBI rules and other regulators along with high stakeholder expectations impose great responsibilities and pose new challenges for independent directors in their discharge of duties.

Thought Arbitrage Research Institute presents an extensively researched handbook containing analytical review of relevant case law, academic studies and good practices from India and overseas, which is underscored by years of relevant and diverse professional experience of the authors, editors and other collaborators including independent directors, promoters and academics.

This handbook is designed to serve as reference and assistance to independent directors, and is expected to be the go-to guide for current as well as prospective directors in their pursuit of upholding the corporate moral compass.

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  • admin says:

    Review By Prof. (Dr.) Asish K Bhattacharyya Professor, School of Corporate Governance & Public Policy, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
    It is a true handbook and not a legal treatise full of jargon. lt covers all important legal provisions along with a practical guide put out in an easily understandable manner with a distinct management flavour. It should be on the table of every independent director

  • admin says:

    Review by Dr. Nikhil Sinha Chairman, HCL Infosystems Limited and Vice Chancellor, Shiv Nadar University
    With the enactment of the Companies Act, 2013, the internationalization of Indian publicly listed companies and growth of the Indian investor base, good corporate governance has become both an imperative and an asset for companies. The evolving role of Independent Directors and their ability to exercise their “independence” will be a key detriment of whether Indian companies can implement transparent and effective governance practices. The Handbook for Independent Directors is both a primer and a guidebook for good governance and the role of Independent Directors. Every Independent Director of listed companies should keep it within arm`s reach.

  • admin says:

    Review by Naresh Chandra Chairman, Naresh Chandra Committee on Corporate Audit and Governance
    At the centre of this new paradigm of corporate governance-and in line with global practice-is the independent director, who by virtue of her/his knowledge, expertise and objectivity is expected to act as the custodian of public interest … the Handbook covers the entire range of duties and functions of the independent director right from his joining the board to discharging duties therein and evaluating Board’s and Director’s performance at the end of the year.



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Mahatma Gandhi