Public Policy

TARI’s aim is to improve the policy landscape of India through informed public discourse and enhanced public participation which help in evolving robust and informed policies. Our effort is to bring fresh insights and perspectives to every policy research work that we do and find innovative solutions to enduring problems.

We walk extra miles to ensure that our research works go through wide stakeholder consultations so that diverse views are accommodated in our findings. The evidence-based approach brings neutrality and robustness essential to ensure that policy recommendations are designed to deliver the desired and effective result with minimum margins for error or risk of unintended consequences.

We apply rigorous and comprehensive internal assessment to our studies which are then supplemented with peer review by highly reputed domain experts who are named in our reports. This ensures accuracy and reliability of our research and reduces uncertainties or glitches in incorporating suggestions and findings into the policy framework.

We are independently funded and retain our nonpartisan status which helps us to have definitive conclusions in our work and eliminates biases or slants to the extent possible.

The value of our work is reflected in the assignments that we do. We have developed ‘Inclusive and Accessibility Index’ for the government of India in collaboration with FICCI, which was released on March 30, 2016 as a part of the country’s flagship programme ‘Accessible India Campaign’.

Our public policy studies are often publicly released by cabinet ministers of the government of India, senior government officials and industry leaders and are widely covered by the media.

Some of our prominent works are:

*Inclusiveness and Accessibility Index (for Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, GOI)


*Make in India: The Next Leap (for Assocham – priced publication)


 *Health Card of India: Study of Burden of Diseases


 *Fair Pricing of Land and its Compensation in an Emerging Economy: Case for India


 *Enabling Effective Implementation of Public Procurement Policy for MSEs – Part I and II (for Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, GOI.)

 *Studies on entrepreneurship- Start-Up India: Making India Stand Up, Female Labour Force Participation and Ease of Doing Business in Uttar Pradesh are available at Link:

 For queries, write to us at:

Business Responsibility & Sustainability Reporting

Globally corporations are becoming aware of how their operations have an impact on Environment, Soci

Corruption afflicts all countries, undermining social progress and breeding inequality and injustice. When desperately needed development funds are stolen by corrupt individuals and institutions, poor and vulnerable people are robbed of education, healthcare and other essential services     

UN Secretary General, Mr Ban Ki-Moon