TARI partnered with Assocham and prepared a background paper for the BIMSTEC-SAARC Women’s Economic Forum on Women in Development, held on 13th January 2017, at The Leela Palace, New Delhi. The conference was addressed by many eminent speakers, sharing their views on – Developing an Ecosystem supporting Women Entrepreneurship; Financial Inclusion and IT Literacy for Women; Women Leadership in Decision Making and much more. For more details of the background paper, please click on View Report.
For too long CSR in India had been left to non-directional, haphazard do-gooding; 'Governance' - the process through which decisions are taken - of CS
There are many positive ways for business to make a difference in the lives of the poor - not through philanthropy but though initiatives that, over time, will help build new markets.
Kofi Annan: World Economic Forum