This is the output of deliberations of 28 top economists and social thinkers of India, including Dr Ashok Lahiri, Dr Pronab Sen, Dr BN Goldar, Dr DK Drivastava, Dr George Mathew, on the possible growth pathways of India, supported with additional research and peer reviews. It looks at the drivers, issues of financing and socio-demographic factors that will affect long term growth.
The study makes an effort to segregate all these factors on the basis of their importance and time period for which they will be critical for India’s growth to capture which a 2X2 matrix has been developed. It also discusses how various drivers could be shocked to achieve a certain higher growth trajectory. For further details please view our report…
For too long CSR in India had been left to non-directional, haphazard do-gooding; 'Governance' - the process through which decisions are taken - of CS
The sustainability revolution will, hopefully, be the third major social and economic turning point in human history, following the Neolithic Revolution - moving from hunter-gathering to farming - and the Industrial Revolution
HRH Prince Charles (2009)