India accounts for 21% of the world’s burden of disease. Worse, it faces a double disease burden, resulting from high incidence of communicable diseases (CDs) and greater incidence of deaths due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Therefore, India needs to adopt an approach which includes predictive medicine for targeted treatment along with preventive medicine to manage the double disease burden.
This study points out how India also needs to ensure public health expenditure in tandem with the trends of the burden of disease, which is not the case. For example, in 2012, the recorded incidents of CDs and NCDs were in the proportion of 4:96 (4% of CDs and 96% of NCDs), but the public expenditure was opposite – 91:9 (91% expenditure on CDs and 9% for NCDs)! For further details please view our report.…
For too long CSR in India had been left to non-directional, haphazard do-gooding; 'Governance' - the process through which decisions are taken - of CS
Whatever you do will be insignificant but it is very important that you do it
Mahatma Gandhi