Dr. A.S. Firoz is a renowned economist, known worldwide for his immense research contribution on the steel and energy industries as also on international trade matters. A doctorate in disequilibrium economics from India’s prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University, he has worked for the last two decades on various aspects of the business in these industries. He has also worked on the concept of soft budget constraint syndrome. Dr. Firoz has been associated with a landmark research project on mineral policy with Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations and research projects with organisations such as National Council of Applied Economic Research and Federation of Indian Mineral Industries etc.
He is currently the Chief Economist at Economic Research Unit, Government of India. He has earlier worked as a Consultant to the Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices (now re-designated as the Tariff Commission), Ministry of Industry, Government of India.
Dr. Firoz has over 400 research papers and articles published in major research journals and top Indian business newspapers. He has also addressed a number of international and national conferences and seminars on subject matters ranging from industrial development to government policy issues.
For too long CSR in India had been left to non-directional, haphazard do-gooding; 'Governance' - the process through which decisions are taken - of CS
Governance and leadership are the yin and the yang of successful organisations.
Mark Goyder