Wealth from Trust: Monetising Corporate Governance

TARI assists companies in monetising corporate governance through its specially designed framework which aims at disaggregating relative economic importance of

  •      quantitative factors i.e. performance and
  •      qualitative factors like quality of management and governance.

The objective is to determine economic importance and interplay of performance and governance in the market price of shares. It segregates relative weights given by capital markets to performance and governance to present the interaction of these factors embedded in the valuation of share price (P/E) of an entity. This is a unique proposition arising out of our research and evaluation work.

Our framework covers risks to companies from regulators, shareholders, investors, activists and others. We provide knowhow to mitigate risks arising out of governance lapses and determine whether the performance, quality of governance and managements’ actions make the company investible over a longer period.

Business Responsibility & Sustainability Reporting

Globally corporations are becoming aware of how their operations have an impact on Environment, Soci

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed     

Mahatma Gandhi